

Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland
Lauterbrunnen, in the Valley of the same name, is a beautiful Swiss city, famous for its waterfalls, beautiful landscapes and extreme sports.

Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland
Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland
Lauterbrunnen is located about 66 km from Bern, capital of Switzerland, in the region of Jungfrau in the Swiss Alps. It has about 3,300 inhabitants, the native language is German, but most people also speak French and English.

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The Alps are one of the oldest mountain ranges in the world, formed 65 million years ago when tectonic plates of Eurasia and Africa collided. They have already attracted tourists in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and were important trade routes and pilgrimage since Roman times.

Swiss Alps and Lauterbrunnen Valley
But it was in the last century, with the construction of long road tunnels, railways and cable cars, which its beautiful and wild landscapes have become truly accessible.

Vista dos Alpes suíços
View of Swiss Alps from Lauterbrunnen Valley
Lauterbrunnen is one of the largest areas of nature conservation in Switzerland. And how the nature was generous to this place suggesting the uniqueness of this beautiful landscape.
An ingrown fairy-tale village in those beautiful stone walls.

There are 72 waterfalls n the Lauterbrunnen Valley, and the most prominent is the Cascade Staubbach Falls, almost 300m, one of the highest in Europe. It offers you the welcome with a spectacular waterfall immediately upon entering the valley.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was there in 1779. He was inspired by the roaring masses of water to write his most famous poem "Song of the Spirits over the Waters - Gesang der Gister über den Wassem".

A Cascata de Staubbach Falls, Lauterbrunnen
The Staubbach Falls highlighted in the Lauterbrunnen Valley
You can climb the mountain by stairs on its side when find the gazebo behind the waterfall and have a beautiful view of the valley through the waterfall. A good walk with a nice prize at the end.

They say that the valley also was the inspiration for Tolkien create the Rivendell Valley, the saga "The Lord of the Rings."
There is also the Trümmelbach Waterfall, hidden among the powerful faces of the mountains. Per second fall 22,000 liters of water in the ten glacier waterfalls, with an approximate height of 200 meters. The phenomenon can be seen only in the summer and through a cable car in the form of tunnel.

Cascata de Trümmelbach, Lauterbrunnen
Trümmelbach waterfall, Lauterbrunnen
There are also 213 km of ski runs, leisure parks, 100 km of pedestrian paths in winter and 50 km sled tracks in Lauterbrunnen.
Snow is what attracts many tourists to practice ski or snowboard. But there are less common sports such as horseboarding - ski pulled by a horse - or zorbing - down the slopes in a balloon. The Valley is the favorite of athletes and practitioners of paragliding, wingsuit, climbers and adventurers.

Paragliding em Lauterbrunnen

Wingsuit em Lauterbrunnen
Extreme sports at Lauterbrunnen
The city is much more quiet in summer, temperature is pleasant and tourists take the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful scenery. The region is perfect for hiking, offering trails with various levels of difficulty.

Trilhas em Lauterbrunnen
Tracks in Lauterbrunnen
The village and snowcapped peaks extend by lush fields, famous for its wildflowers in the Lauterbrunnen Valley.

The town has a railway station which is the starting point for some regions on the mountain peaks, like Wengen - Kleine Schedegg and Mürren-Schilthon.

Train Statio of Lauterbrunnen
Its architecture is romantic, with houses and cottages ingrown in the mountains. Their small gardens are immaculate, and the lawns of the most beautiful we've ever seen; restaurants and hotels, all in wood, with beautiful colorful flower boxes in the windows, make us travel by unspeakable scenarios.

Scenes of Lauterbrunnen
An exuberant charm is the small Protestant Reformed Church - predominant religion in Switzerland - that touches the soul and stimulates our faith.

Igreja Protestante Reforma, Lauterbrunnen
Protestant Reformed Church
Wow! What about chocolate? Certainly the best in the world! Forget the scale!

If you can go by car, (see options at Rentalcars) the trip will be much more attractive. The roads are excellent, well signposted and the landscapes are breathtaking! Along the road you will find small villages charming lakes in a stunning shade of blue. For wherever you go, everything is so charming that you will not resist several stops to enjoy and take for a beautiful photo.

Estradas de acesso a Lauterbrunnen com visual incrível
Access roads to Lauterbrunnen - incredible visual
Travelling by train is also pretty cool. Spend about 1:30 to 2:00 hours and the prices range between 34 and 70 euros (see options of prices and timetables on the site of Raileurope). You can see the landscapes passing very close to the window, and the constant rattle of the tracks makes you dream. No unpleasant surprises.
The second class train is more comfortable than economy class aircraft, and it is where the European normally travels.
The first class is much more comfortable with table, larger space, including space to put luggage, complimentary coffee, wifi. It’s worth it.

If you want to stay there, see the pricing options and availability on the site of  Booking or Hostels.

To choose a restaurant, see the options and reviews on the website of Tripadvisor.

Depending on availability of time, you need just one day to know, however, to even enjoy the leisure options, spend much more time as you can.

Avoid travel in November, it is very gray, not have falling snow and no sun for beautiful photos. In the most, choose according to your preference between the winter sports, extreme sports, hiking, snow or flowers, in short, what you like best and enjoy the beauties of the region.

Auf wiedersehen!!!

See also     


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