

Bodrum, Turkey
Know this beautiful Turkish balneary, which holds the remains of one of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World, the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus.

Bodrum - Turquia
Bodrum, Turkey
Arriving by boat in Bodrum, Turkey, immigration at the harbor is fast, right next to the Bodrum Castle. For anyone who wants to find better, is on the edge of the marina. If renting a car, Avis is about 700 m from the harbor and you can get the car out of the normal operation of the store if you need and arrange with them as we did.

Bodrum - Turquia
Arriving at harbor of Bodrum
This town was Greek in its origin, when it was called Halicarnassus and has about 36,000 inhabitants today.

Hit on the map (Mais opções) to enlarge and see the points which are highlights at this post

They’ve called the famous Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, one of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World because of this. The monument was built by Artemisia as a tomb for her husband Mausolus, king at that age (335 bC). Unfortunately a series of earthquakes destroyed the monument around 1400 aC, leaving it in ruins.

Bodrum - Turquia
Ruins of the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus

Bodrum - Turquia
Bodrum - Turquia
Artistic reproduction of Mausoleum of Halicarnassus
Bodrum - Turquia
Statues of Mausolus and his wife Artemisia
Halicarnasso, today Bodrum, was the birthplace of writer and historian Herodotus.
If you want to know more about the city, access Bodrum or the city official site .

Bodrum - Turquia
Statue of Herodotus
For anyone who comes to Turkey in Bodrum, currency exchange needs to be done, because the country uses Turkish Lira (TRY). There are exchange houses downtown, near to the harbor, which have better prices than the banks. There is also the shopping area of the city.

Bodrum - Turquia
Bodrum downtown
Today Bodrum is a modern city, typical seaside town, with a very beautiful, bustling and pleasant. There are lots of restaurants and typical shops. It is safe to walk around at night, too. If you are tired, taxis are cheap and you can still negotiate.

Bodrum - Turquia
Modern buildings

Bodrum - Turquia
Detail of seafront restaurants chandelier

Bodrum - Turquia
Seafront very well cared and safe
Besides the beaches, among the sights is the Bodrum Castle, built in 1404 by the Knights of order of St. John, right next to the harbor.

Bodrum -Turquia
Bodrum Castle, Turkey
Bodrum - Turquia

There are also ruins of a Roman amphitheatre, at the avenue that connects Bodrum-Turgutreis. From there you’ll have a beautiful view of the city and marina.

Bodrum - Turquia
Roman amphitheater and view of Bodrum
Another tip is the excellent cost/benefit ratio of the Hotel Centro Bodrum, beyond to the attentive staff. Right next to the hotel there is a Carrefour (Express), a great option for supplies, including lactose-free milk (laktozsuz).

Bodrum - Turquia
Hotel Centro Bodrum

Bodrum - Turquia

To know Bodrum, you will need 1 or 2 days, or more time IF you want to enjoy the beaches, the food, or the hospitality of the people. You can also take tours to Kos and Rhodes (Greece, making immigration), using the ferry boats that leave in the morning and return in the afternoon.

See you later! Görüşürüz!

See also       

 How to get there, where to stay, Blue Mosque and more

 St. Sophia mosque, Topkapi Palace and more

 Grand Bazaar, Hippodrome, German Fontain, Small Sofia and Sokullu Mehmet Pasha Mosque

 Yeni Camii, Egytian Bazaar, boat ride on the Bosphorus Strait and more

 Turkish dance, Galata Tower, Rüstem Pasha Mosque , Süleymaniye Mosque, and more

 Curiosities of Turkey, origin, history, currency, wonders of the ancient world, Atatürk and more

 Custom, cuisine, Grand Bazaar, weather, Turkish dance, data about the country and more


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