Florence III

Florence III


Basilica of Saint Lawrence and Medici Chapel, Florence - Italy
Exploring Basilica of Saint Lawrence and Medici Chapel in Florence

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View of Basilica of Saint Lawrence and Medici Chapel - Florence, Italy
See also

  Telling a bit of the city, how to arrive, where to stay and how to explore it

  Cathedral of Saint Mary of Flowers, exploring this magnificent symbol of Italian Renaissance

The complex formed by the Basilica of Saint Lawrence and Medici Chapel is situated at Piazza di Madonna Degli Aldobrandini in Florence.

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The Basilica of Saint Lawrence was a parish church of Medici, traditional family and leader at Tuscany region, which left no fewer than four popes of Catholic Church, Pope Leo X, Pope Clement VII, Pope Pius IV and Pope Leo XI.

Photo from ptwikipediaorg
Pope Leo X, who built the Basilica of Saint Peter in Vatican City State  
Its Renaissance style dates from 1419 and was designed by Filippo Brunelleschi. Its completion took place in 1460 by Antonio Manetti, who faithfully respected the original Project.

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Basilica of Saint Lawrence and Giovanni dalle Bande Nere’s statue, Cosimo I de' Medici’s father

Its huge Dome, or cupola, with Bernardo Buontalonti design, was based on models of Alessandro Pieroni and Matteo Nigetti, reminding the Duomo (Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore).

Photo from wwwstudybluecom
External view of cupola
Photo of Chorkuppel_San_Lorenzo_Florenz wiki
Internal view of cupola
One century later, Michelangelo presented new designs for the facade, which was never finished by him. Its sober interior has a floor plan in the shape of a Latin Cross.

Basilica floor plan in the shape of Latin Cross, highlighted in red
Michelangelo also designed the Library and its beautiful staircase, the luxurious Mausoleum of Medici and Chapel of Princes. In the main altar stands a marble crucifix of Baccio da Montelupo

Photo from wwwwgahu
Interior of Chapel of Princes
External view of  Chapel of Princes
Photo of Mario 7474-Italy
Medicea Laurenziana Library
A beautiful garden of geometric shapes, known as Cloister Garden, has pomegranates and orange trees, in perfect harmony.

Photo of I, Sailko
Cloister Garden
Among many wonderful works of art stand out, in central nave, as the beautiful Pulpit of Donatello, in bronze, Pain and Passion of Christ and the Glory of the Resurrection.

Photo from itwikipediaorg
Pulpit of Donatello
In the front nave, on the second altar, we can admire The Betrothal of Mary by Rosso Fiorentino painter, 1523, and in the background, a marble tabernacle carved by Desiderio da Settignano.

Photo from enwikipediaorg
The Betrothal of Mary by Rosso Fiorentino
To visit the Chapel, you need to get around outside the Basilica and enter in the back. The ticket is another. The Chapels are divided into three distinct areas.
Behind the entrance hall there is the Crypt for the tombs of the lesser known members of the Medici family; that point, you will find a staircase that leads to the Chapel of Princes, the Great Mausoleum Medici, of octagonal shape.
The Medici family spent fortunes on their ornaments, all decorated with semiprecious stones. Few places in Florence have so luxurious and beautiful decor.

Then a corridor leads to the New Sacristy, with three beautiful sculptures, all carved by Michelangelo between 1520 and 1534. And they stay around the room.
The Donatello decoration for the old Sacristy contrasts with the design of the New Sacristy by Michelangelo, a real treat.

Old Sacristy
New Sacristy, tomb of Juliano di Medici, by Michelangelo
Opening hours from 10:00 to 17:30 every day. On holidays and Sundays, open from 13:30 to 17:30, from March to October. From November to February, is closed every Sunday.
€ 5,00 Basilica ticket
€ 7,00 Basilica and Medicea Laurenziana Library

If you want further information or buy tickets, access the oficial site at  Opera Medicea Laurenziana, or Cappelle Medicee.

Photo of DJORDJE

When in Florence, be sure to visit the beautiful Basilica of Saint Lawrence and enjoy the works of art it offers.

See also      

  Telling a bit of the city, how to arrive, where to stay and how to explore it.

  Cathedral of Saint Mary of Flowers, exploring this magnificent symbol of Italian Renaissance. 

   Exploring the splendid region of Tuscany.

   Visiting this amazing medieval city.


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